What is an Ectomorph?
Do you eat, eat and eat, but it never goes anywhere?
Why can't you seem to put on muscle fast enough?
If this sounds like you, then your body type is most likely an 'ectomorph'.
Hallmarks of this physique are long thin limbs, narrow shoulders, fast metabolism, low body fat, and narrow hips and glutes. Very different than your naturally larger endomorph or mesomorph with a symmetrical physique.
While others may envy your lightning-fast metabolism and slender frame, you may view your ectomorph 'blessing' as a curse!
If you’ve failed every attempt to put on lean muscle, it’s time to try a different line of attack using a training and nutrition plan that is suited to your unique body shape.
How to Train if You're an Ectomorph Body Type
The foundation of ectomorph training should aim to improve testosterone (your muscle building hormone) production, as this is likely to help you maximize your gains made from each and every workout.
To do this, research in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found using compound multi-jointed exercises (such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses) in a workout that lasts no more than 55 minutes is the best strategy for maximizing testosterone and muscle building.
In the below workout, you'll do 3-5 workouts a week, repeating sessions for the body part you want the most growth.
Rest 2-4 minutes between sets to give yourself enough recovery time.
Oh, and avoid any kind of cardio. After all, calories are extremely precious commodities for hard gainers and you can't afford to burn excess via cardio.
Supplements for an Ectomorph Body Type
These supplements will help you add lean size to your ectomorph frame.
Gainer Supplement
When it comes to lean gains, the name of the game is calorie intake.
But fueling up with crappy food isn't the answer.
You want to fuel up with clean sources of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. The problem though is there is only so much food you can eat in a day.
Gainer supplements can help you hit your macronutrient numbers in an efficient (and tasty) way. Just remember: always look at labels to ensure you're getting the highest quality ingredients in your gainer.
Creatine Monohydrate
This supplement has a proven pedigree of more muscle, strength, and endurance, making the perfect partner for the ectomorph.
Creatine monohydrate is a well-studied, foundational muscle-building ingredient that supports energy production to enhance muscular power, endurance and growth through replenishing the body's ATP levels. It's extremely useful for strength-building workouts like you'll be focusing on!
Pre-workouts are often used for energy and focus. But with the variety available, you can find one that emphasizes lean muscle growth with ingredients for power, strength, and pumps.
If you don't already understand pre-workouts, check out this helpful guide!
Ectomorph Nutrition & Workout Plan
The majority of meals listed below are meant to elicit gains. However, we encourage you to use a calorie calculator to determine your exact portions and macronutrient breakdown. Also, feel free to swap certain foods based on your preferences.
Sample Ectomorph Meal Plan
Meal One: Smoothie with oats, bran cereal, milk, egg whites, almond butter, natural peanut butter, natural honey, whey protein
Meal Two: Grilled chicken, whole-wheat pasta, side of almonds
Meal Three: Spinach leaves, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olives, raisins, sunflower seeds, grilled chicken.
Meal Four, Pre-Workout: Mixed fruit smoothie, wheat bread, sliced turkey, spinach, tomato
Meal Five, Post-Workout: Mass gainer, natural peanut butter
Meal Six: Steak, brown rice, almonds
Meal Seven: Natural peanut butter, Greek yogurt, beef jerky, milk, serving of casein
Sample Ectomorph Workout Plan
Day 1: Chest/Triceps
Incline barbell presses: 5x5 reps
Incline smith machine presses: 4x8-10 reps
Incline cable flyes: 4x10-12 reps
Fly machine: 4x8-10 reps
Low cable flyes: 4x15 reps
Skull crushers: 4x8-10 reps
Tricep rope extensions: 4x10-12 reps
Reverse-grip bench presses: 4x6-8 reps
Day 2: Back/Biceps
Lat pulldowns: 4x8-10 reps
Seated cable rows: 4x8-10 reps
Hammer strength row machines: 4x10-12 reps
Pulldowns w/ v-bar attachment: 4x10-12 reps
DB rows: 4x12-15 reps
Barbell curls:4x6-8 reps
Wide grip cable curls: 4x8-10 reps
Preacher curls: 4x8-10 reps
Spider curls: 4x10-12 reps
Day 3: Shoulders
Seated smith machine presses: 4x8-10 reps
Arnold presses: 4x12-15 reps
Seated DB lateral raises: 4x12-15 reps
Cable lateral raises: 4x12-15 reps
Wide grip upright rows: 3x10 reps
Rear delt machine flyes: 4x12-15 reps
Face pulls: 4x12-15 reps
Day 4: Legs
Barbell back squats: 5x6-8 reps
Leg presses: 4x8-10 reps
Hamstring curls: 4x10-12 reps
RDL's on Smith machine: 4x8-10 reps
Calf raises: 4x15-20 reps
Kettlebell swings: 4x20 reps
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: Legs
Barbell back squats: 5x6-8 reps
Leg presses: 4x8-10 reps
Hamstring curls: 4x10-12 reps
RDL's on smith machine: 4x8-10 reps
Calf raises: 4x15-20 reps
Kettle bell swings: 4x20 reps
Full Recap of the Ectomorph Program
Ectomorph body type tips
- Eat more calories: Ectomorphs typically have a fast metabolism, so they struggle to put on weight. Because of this, it’s important to create a caloric surplus that consists of nutrient dense foods to match your high activity level and metabolism.
- Focus on strength but don’t forget cardio: A common myth ectomorphs hear is that they shouldn’t do any form of cardio because it’ll eat away their gains, this simply isn’t true if cardio is done in moderation. Strength training is key for ectomorphs looking to build muscle. Incorporate heavy compound exercises into your routine on a weekly basis. And round out your program with some form of aerobic exercise done in moderation for the cardiovascular benefits it’ll confer.
- Get adequate rest: Here’s a slept-on tip, get it slept on? Sleep is crucial for muscle recovery and growth. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Even if you feel that you’re a high energy person that can function on less sleep, give it a try and aim to sleep the recommended amount for a few weeks.
Take your results to the next level by following this ectomorph plan. Don't forget to stock up on the supplements in this blog to further support your goals. Power your workouts with explosive energy from C4 pre-workouts. Promote lean muscle mass gains and increase strength with COR-Performance Creatine. And supplement with high-quality carbohydrates and protein for increased calorie intake by using COR-Performance Gainer.