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Answers to Your Top 10 Questions About Fat Loss

Next, to muscle building, fat loss is the most popular fitness goal cited by millions of people each year. Let’s answer the top 10 questions about fat loss.

1. How much fat can I really lose each week? Each month?

Studies show that this can vary widely based on gender, age, starting weight, physical activity level, and medical history. With that said, it is possible to lose up to two pounds of body fat per week, or up to eight pounds per month.

The more weight you have to lose, the more you may initially lose when starting a new diet and exercise program. It’s important to remember that if you don’t see weight loss on the scale, you may be losing inches, so don’t become discouraged.

2. Can I spot, treat, and only lose fat in my problem areas? (e.g., belly, arms, thighs) 

In general, spot treating for fat loss doesn’t work. You didn’t tell your body where to gain the weight, so you won’t be able to tell it where to lose the weight. That’s why you’ll want to focus on full body fat loss, not just from a single area.

Use a complete exercise routine that is founded on compound movements with a day of isolation work on those trouble areas.

For example, three days of full body workouts and one day of isolation exercises on the belly, arms, and thighs. Don’t forget a day or two of cardiovascular training with high-intensity interval workouts.

3. Is fat making me fat?

Not unless you’re eating a large amount of trans-fat, the processed fat product that lengthens shelf life in your favorite junk foods. The primary culprit in fat gain is sugar.

Sugar can be found in processed foods along with supposedly healthy “fat-free” products. These processed sugars have been shown to promote a variety of diseases and health risks including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and functional cognitive decline.

What’s more, sugar intake has been directly linked to increased fat mass while healthy fats such as coconut oil and avocado may promote weight loss.

4. Do I have to count calories to lose fat? 

Recent studies suggest that the quality of your nutritional choices plays a more effective role in fat loss than counting calories. People who focused on making healthier nutritional choices such as limiting sugar intake and eating more whole foods were more successful in their weight loss. 

With that said, counting calories can still be looked at as an effective system for weight loss. Using fitness apps such as MyFitnessPal makes meal tracking easy by removing the thing that people dislike most about calorie counting: the arithmetic. 

5. What’s better for fat loss: cardio or weight training? 

An ideal workout program will combine both weight training and cardiovascular exercise as both play a part in a successful weight loss. 

Perform full body workouts using compound movements, or exercises that trigger the greatest number of muscle fibers, two to three days per week. Supplement this with two days of bodyweight-focused high-intensity interval workouts for your cardiovascular exercise.

6. Can tea or coffee help me lose weight? 

Green tea has been shown to promote a positive metabolic response, encouraging caloric expenditure and fat loss. Coffee contains caffeine, a proven thermogenic compound that is considered a staple fat burning ingredient.

However, when it comes to working out, especially for weight loss, pre-workout supplements give you an extra edge that coffee and tea cannot. Try a fat burning pre-workout to take your results to the next level.

C4 Ripped: You get the energy from caffeine and related stimulant ingredients with additional ingredients to support workout performance, and sometimes even fat loss. This formula helps you train harder while supporting your body’s ability to burn fat.

C4 Ultimate Shred: Whether you’re carving a block of marble or chiseling your own physique, you need the right tool to make a masterpiece. When it comes to burning fat, leaning out, and getting more from every workout, C4 Ultimate Shred is that tool.

7. Which is better: trying a completely new diet or slow and steady change? 

It’s tempting to jump on board with the newest dietary trends but dramatic changes often end in frustration and failure. It’s better to make small changes in your diet and maintain consistency than overhauling your diet over a weekend.

Try changing one or two things at a time with your diet. Once you can maintain the changes without much effort, then try changing one or two more things.

8. Can I indulge in sweets without messing up my chances for fat loss? 

The saying “everything in moderation” rings true for most things but sugar-based snacks can quickly ruin fat loss progress. 

I’d recommend either one weekly cheat meal or finding healthy sweet substitutes. For example, instead of eating a chocolate bar, try cacao nibs. Cacao nibs are nutritious raw chocolate bits that provide the taste of your favorite snack without the added calories.

9. Is there a connection between fat loss and sleep?

Several studies have shown that those who are skipping on sleep are at a higher risk to gain weight. When you aren’t getting enough sleep, your body stops producing as much leptin and starts overproducing levels ghrelin (the hunger hormone). The result is increased appetite and a higher risk for weight gain.

Try to sleep between seven and nine hours each night. Sorry, you can’t make up those hours on the weekend. 

10. Outside of diet and exercise, is there a way to increase how much fat I burn?

Thermogenic supplements, also called fat burners, provide extracts that have been shown to have a direct impact on your metabolism.

Caffeine, cayenne pepper extract, and green tea are three examples of powerful fat burning ingredients you can use to supplement your diet. You can find these three ingredients and more in Cellucor Super HD.

Date April 16, 2018
Category Training