Benefits of elevATP®
- Supports increased muscle mass
- Supports increased strength
- Supports increased power output
- Supports increased ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) production
elevATP® is a plant-based ingredient that’s used in supplements to boost ATP production in the body. Find out its benefits and which C4 and Cellucor products you can find it in.

What is elevATP®?
elevATP® is a patented blend of ancient peat and apple extract. A chemical analysis of elevATP® found it to contain 66 chemical elements. This includes minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. As well as bioactive compounds like chlorogenic acid, epicatechin, and quercetin. These minerals and phytochemicals have been studied extensively for their role in exercise performance.
elevATP® can boost ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) production in the body. ATP is the energy currency of cells. ATP plays a role in cardiac function, blood flow, and muscle contraction. ATP is the energy source that fuels us, the ATP system is especially important for explosive movements like a 40-yard dash, heavy power cleans, or medicine ball throws.

Scientific Studies on elevATP®
As one of the more innovative new ingredients on the market, elevATP® has been investigated in several clinical trials.
Study 1
20 healthy adults supplemented with 150 mg of elevATP® in a single-dose crossover clinical trial. The subjects had their blood work measured prior to supplementation, 60 minutes after, and 120 minutes after. The researchers noted that supplementation with elevATP® increased whole blood levels of ATP by 40% after 60 minutes.[1]
Study 2
The effects of supplementing 150 mg of elevATP® on step exercise performance was evaluated in a three-way crossover trial. The subjects that supplemented with elevATP® saw an increase in exercise performance, whole blood ATP levels, and caloric burn compared to placebo.[2]
Study 3
The effects on body composition when subjects supplemented with 150 mg daily of elevATP® in combination with a 12-week resistance training program was evaluated. The subjects that supplemented with elevATP® saw increased muscle cross sectional area and muscle thickness. The researchers concluded that elevATP® supplementation may enhance the hypertrophy (muscle-building) effects of resistance training.[3]

Study 4
The effects on athletic performance when subjects supplemented with 150 mg daily of elevATP® in combination with a 12-week resistance training program was evaluated. The subjects that supplemented with elevATP® saw increased levels of lower body strength, lower body power, and total strength. The researchers concluded that elevATP® may augment the body’s strength and power adaptations to resistance training.[4]
Study 5
The effects on body composition when subjects supplemented with a combination of 150 mg daily of elevATP®, 180 mg of extended-release caffeine, and B-vitamins while following a 12-week resistance training program was evaluated. The subjects that supplemented with this blend saw increased levels of muscle hypertrophy.[5]

How elevATP® Works
elevATP® increases our body's ability to produce ATP on its own (scientists call this endogenously) which can help enhance the hypertrophic (muscle building) and athletic performance responses to resistance training.
Some of the mechanisms that this effect is thought to occur through include
- increased blood flow
- increased anabolic signaling
- increased mitochondrial function and ATP production

Which C4/Cellucor Products Contain elevATP®?
P6 Alpha Advanced: Unlock your best results with P6. P6 Alpha Advanced is formulated to support strength, muscle size, performance, endurance, vitality, and testosterone levels.
C4 SuperSport: The next level of NSF Certified® pre-workout. Made by the #1 Global Pre-Workout Brand† and packing 4 patented, clinically studied ingredients,
C4 SuperSport is the pre-workout athletes turn to for elevated performance. With elevATP® and CON-CRET® Creatine to support strength and power, CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine for muscular endurance, BetaPower® Betaine for hydration during intense workouts, and the legendary explosive energy C4 is known for, C4 SuperSport is supercharged to drive your performance.
C4 Dynasty: Combining a decade of art, science, and obsession, C4 Dynasty is a pre-workout that only we could make. We are the pioneers of pre-workout performance, and this is the culmination of all our work, care, and craftsmanship.
[1] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260944047_The_effect_of_ElevATPon_whole_blood_ATP_levels_a_single_dose_cross_over_clinical_study
[2] https://nutraceuticals.imedpub.com/the-effect-of-elevatp-on-exercise-output-a-single-dose-blinded-threewaycrossover-study.pdf
[3] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283077352_Supplementation_with_a_Proprietary_Blend_of_Ancient_Peat_and_Apple_Extract_May_Improve_Body_Composition_without_Affecting_Hematology_in_Resistance-Trained_Men
[4] https://bmccomplementmedtherapies.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12906-016-1222-x
[5] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303892639_Twelve_weeks_supplementation_with_an_extended-release_caffeine_and_ATP-enhancing_supplement_may_improve_body_composition_without_affecting_hematology_in_resistance-trained_men