Summer is only a few short months away and if you want to make sure your abs aren’t a last minute affair then the time is now to get ready for the time when you’re physique is on show

Periodising your workouts is the smartest way to ensure you’re leaving nothing to chance when it comes to burning fat and building muscle.
Periodization is the systematic planning and organization of an exercise program with the goals of peaking during specific times (generally around competitions). In a periodized program, your training plan is broken into specific phases with different goals for each phase. The benefits of periodization include:
- Improved Performance: By splitting your training plan into different phases, you can focus on zone in on specific fitness goals. Think of your normal training program and how many different aspects of fitness you work on in one workout. With periodization, you’ll be laser focused on one specific goal.
- Reduced Risk of Overuse Injuries: Because you’re splitting your training into different phases, you’ll end up introducing a greater variety of exercises and rep ranges to your program. This can be helpful for reducing the risk of overuse injury that athletes are at risk of when they do the same program day in day out for long periods of time.
- Better Adaptation to Training: You’ll notice that you’ll likely be able to progressively overload a specific area of fitness much easier when it’s your only focus. By gradually increasing the volume and intensity of your training program and tracking a specific area of fitness, you’re able to stimulate specific adaptations.
- Optimal Peaking: Periodization style training was initially developed for Olympic athletes for the purpose of peaking during key times of the year that coincided with major competitions. Applying these principles to the program you design allows you to have a better chance of creating a program that allows you to look or perform your best at specific times that you target.

This means you will need to use one style of workouts for 6 weeks then adopt an entirely different method of training for the next 6 weeks. It keeps your muscles guessing, maximizing their calorie burn in the process so your body is constantly adapting to a new stimulus. You’ll achieve this by maintaining the same exercises for phase two, though you can change them if you like, but by doing them as a circuit as your fitness will have improved. To ensure you’re fresh and not hedging toward burn out, you can take a week break after phase one so your body is fully recovered.
Follow this plan for the full 12 weeks and you’ll soon see your body changing at a rapid rate, building muscle and burning fat at the same time.

And don't forget about supplementation. As you restrict calories and increase your training load over the coming weeks, a pre-workout like C4 Ripped and a BCAAs will help you pre- and intra workout with ingredients that are dedicated to performance and weight loss. Combine this training program, a solid nutrition plan and supplementation, when summer hits, you’ll boast some killer results.
Phase 1 (6 weeks)
Complete 5 sets of 12-15 reps on each exercise, resting 180 seconds between each set. Leave a day’s rest between each workout to make sure your body is fully recovered.
Following each session you should allocate 15 – 20 minutes to the cardio machine. Alternatively, you can do a cardio session in the morning or on your days off. Warm up for 5 minutes, then sprint for 8 seconds then walk for 30 seconds. Repeat this for a full 10 minutes then cool down for 2-3 minutes with a light walk.
Phase 2 (6 weeks)
Complete 4 reps of 20 reps on each exercise, without resting between each move then taking a 2-minute rest after each circuit is completed. This will improve your fitness, though you may need to use slightly lighter weights.
After each circuit is completed you should sprint on the treadmill or on the rowing machine for 10 seconds followed by 15 seconds at a lower intensity so you recover. Repeat this for 2 minutes then have your 2 minute break before you repeat the circuit again.
Front squats
Works: glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, abs
- A) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Rest a barbell on the front of your shoulders.
- B) Bend your hips and knees simultaneously to lower yourself towards the ground. Stop when the bottoms of your thighs become parallel to the floor but go deeper if this feels comfortable. Keep your back straight and knees in-line with your feet. Rise to the start position along the same path by straightening your knees.
Smith Machine Bulgarian split squats
Works: quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, core, glutes,
- A) Place one foot 2-3 feet in front of the other with your back foot placed firmly on top of a bench or 30 cm box. Rest the bar of a Smith machine across your shoulders.
- B) Making sure your front heel stays on the floor, bend the front leg’s knee and hip to lower yourself as far as possible then return to the start.
Front loaded Bulgarian split squats
Muscles: quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, core, glutes,
- A) Rest a barbell across the front of your shoulders and hold it there with both hands, elbows pointing forwards. Place one foot 2-3 feet in front of the other with your back foot placed firmly on top of a bench or 30 cm box.
- B) Making sure your front heel stays on the floor, bend the front leg’s knee and hip to lower yourself as far as possible then return to the start.
Incline bench dumbbell chest press
Muscles: upper chest, triceps, shoulders
- A) Lie on an incline bench set to between 30 and 45º. Place your feet flat on the floor and hold a dumb-bell in each hand above your chest. Keep your head, torso and hips pressed onto the bench.
- B) Lower the weights to your sides. Straighten your arms to press the weights up so they finish above your chin. Do not completely lock your arms at the end of the movement.
Lat pulldowns
Works: lats, biceps, forearms
- A) Grab a lat-pulldown bar with an overhand grip and position yourself on the machine’s seat with your knees beneath the pads. Place your hands 1 ½ shoulder-width and sit on the seat.
- B) Keeping your head and back straight, pull the bar to the top of your chest. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the bottom of the move, then let the bar slowly raise your hands above your head.
Dumbbell deadlifts
Works: quads, glutes, lower back, abs
- A) Place two dumb-bells on the ground in front of you. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at your knees and hips to bring your upper body towards the weights.
- B) Grab them with an overhand grip. Use your thighs to raise the bar so your legs become straight. Take 2-4 seconds to lower the weights back to the start position keeping your back straight through out the movement.
Muscles: core
- A) Lie on the floor with your legs straight and arms extended above your head. Hold a dumb-bell in your hands.
- B) Flex your abs to lift your torso and unbent arms off the floor as you bring your straight legs toward your hands. Touch your toes with your hands at the top of the movement. Slowly return to the start.
Goblet squat
Works: glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, abs
- A) Stand with your feet hip-width apart holding a dumb-bell in front of your sternum with both hands so your elbows are flared.
- Bend your hips and knees to lower yourself towards the ground. Stop when the bottoms of your thighs become parallel to the floor, but go deeper if this feels comfortable. Rise to the start.
Dumbbell stiff legged deadlift
Works: hamstrings, lower back, abs
- A) Place two dumb-bells on the ground in front of you. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at your knees and hips to bring your upper body towards the weights.
- B) Keep a slight bend in your knees but don't lock them. Straighten your back to pick the barbell up. Go half the way up then go all the way up. That’s one rep.
Hip raises
Works: quads, glutes, calves, abs, lower back
- A) Position your upper back on the long side of a flat bench, allowing your feet to be flat on the floor, your knees bent. Get your training partner to place a loaded barbell across your lower abs and hold it there with your hands.
- B) Thrust your hips upwards so your back is parallel to the ground and hold that position briefly then lower your hips to the start.
Bent over dumbbell row
Works: lats, forearms, biceps, abs
- A) Stand holding a pair of dumb-bells, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back flat, bend forward at the hips until your back is almost parallel
- B) Your arms straight under your shoulders and your palms facing each other. Slowly draw the weights up toward the sides of your chest. Pause, then slowly lower.
Flat bench dumbbell pullover
Works: chest, triceps, shoulders, abs, lats, forearms
- A) Grab a light dumb-bell in each hand then lie back on a flat bench. Place your feet on the floor but you can also rest them on the bench. Bring the dumb-bells together so that they’re touching one another.
- B) Bend your elbows slightly (to about 30º) then lower the weights as far behind your head as you can. Keep your upper arms as close to your ears as possible. Raise them up along the same path.
Decline sit-ups
Works: abs
- A) Lie on a decline sit-up bench with your arms folded across your chest.
- B) Lift your upper body by using your abs to flex your spine and bring your chest towards your knees. Roll back down, slowly and with control.
Barbell bicep curls
Muscles: biceps
- A) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a barbell with an underhand grip.
- B) Keeping your upper arms tucked against your sides, and your shoulder blades pulled together, curl the weight up until it reaches your shoulders. Contract your biceps, then reverse the motion and slowly return to the start.
Front squats
Works: glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, abs
- A) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Rest a barbell on the fronts of your shoulders.
- B) Bend your hips and knees simultaneously to lower yourself towards the ground. Stop when the bottoms of your thighs become parallel to the floor but go deeper if this feels comfortable. Keep your back straight and knees in-line with your feet. Rise to the start position along the same path by straightening your knees.
Glute hamstring raise
Works: glutes, hamstrings, calves
- A) Adjust the glute-hamstring machine to fit the length of your body. Place your feet against the footplate in between the rollers as you lie facedown. Your knees should be just behind the pad.
- B) Start from the bottom of the movement. Keep your back arched as you begin the movement by flexing the knees. Drive your toes into the footplate as you do so. Keep your upper body straight, and continue until your body is upright. Return to the starting position, keeping your descent under control.
Sled push
Works: quads, glutes, calves
- A) Load your pushing sled with the desired weight.
- B) Take an athletic posture, leaning into the sled with your arms fully extended, grasping the handles. Push the sled, focusing on extending your hips and knees to strengthen your posterior chain. Every 5 meters counts as one rep.
Works: glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, abs
- A) Stand with your feet hip-width apart. If you’re advanced then rest a barbell across the back of your shoulders or hold dumb-bells in each hand.
- B) Take a giant step forward with your left foot and bend your left knee until your left thigh is parallel to the floor and your knee forms is at 90º. Your back should remain straight throughout the exercise. Reverse the motion, stepping back into the starting position.
Incline barbell bench press
Works: upper chest, triceps, shoulders
- A) Lie on an incline bench set to between 30 and 45º. Place your feet flat on the floor and hold a barbell above your chest. Keep your head, torso and hips pressed onto the bench.
- B) Lower the weight to your sides. Straighten your arms to press the weight up so they finish above your chin. Do not completely lock your arms at the end of the movement.
Renegade rows
Works: shoulders, abs, lats, forearms, chest
- A) Drop into a press-up position, holding a dumb-bell in each hand. Keep your back straight and don’t let your hips sag.
- B) Pull the weight in one hand to your chest. Hold for a second then return to the start.
Bear crawls
Works: shoulders, quads, core
- A) Drop onto all fours with your hands directly beneath your shoulders, then rise up onto your feet so your knees are off the ground.
- B) Move your hands and knees in unison to go forwards about 20-40 metres, depending on how much space you’ve got. Then reverse the action and return to the start by crawling backwards.
Let us know how you progress through the program by reaching out to us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!