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Weight Loss Advice from Top Fitness Influencers

Sometimes trying to lose weight can feel like taking one step forward and two steps backward. Whether you’ve fallen off your NYNY fitness plan or feel like you need an extra push to take your results to the next level, we’ve got tips for you. We asked top influencers this question:

“What’s one tip that you would give someone struggling with weight loss to help them get the results they want?”

Itzel Solano, Personal Trainer & Fitness Coach (@theeftizy)

“As a personal trainer and nutrition coach, I always get to know someone fully to understand their day-to-day habits. Just like there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to living life, a weight loss journey doesn’t have a right or wrong way either.

First things first, doing a self-check and identifying the root of the problem is important because if this isn’t addressed and identified, you are just putting a band-aid to try and solve a larger all things down that are problematic to your weight loss success, and write an action plan for each one of them! You don’t have to cut things out of your life, but there are always ways to regulate them, and at the same time make the process enjoyable! Tracking your progress daily, weekly, and even monthly will take you a long way! Set goals and crush them!”

Brett Azar, Entertainer & Fitness Expert (@brettazar)

“My greatest advice for any goal including weight loss and everyday life is to go get a big dry erase board and hang it in your house where you spend most of your time. Somewhere you see it every day, several times a day. And every night on it write down every goal you wish to achieve the next day. The workout you want to do, the time of cardio you want to reach, the food you want to eat, and even the things you want to avoid doing. Those still count as accomplishments. There's nothing more motivating than consistency checking off another goal after the other. It's addicting and will push you to keep checking the goals off. There's no better satisfying feeling than having a completely checked-off day. Now it's time to wipe it clean and start a new list for tomorrow. There is no goal too small...”

Yanil Nazaire, Fitness Influencer (@yanilnazarie)

“The first thing needed to get started on your weight loss journey is understanding that it is not a linear path. The scale won’t go down every day and it shouldn’t. In order to have sustainable weight loss is to first begin by asking yourself: how many hours am I sleeping? Am I giving my body time to rest? Am I eating enough or am I overeating? Once you start learning what your body needs, or doesn’t need, it will start working for you.

Example: Hydration is totally under our control. Ensuring you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day to satiate cravings and get things moving is important in weight loss. I love utilizing the XTEND BCAAs to make slushies on a hot day which helps give me electrolytes, amino acids needed for recovery, and a way to drink more liquids without the extra sugar and calories! Start with the simple things today and you will see the difference.”

Drelyn Hunt, Bodybuilder (@drelynhunt)

“I find that as humans we all live on an emotional roller coaster. Some days we feel like giants and other days we feel smaller than ants. This is normal for everyone, even the people we look to for motivation. The best advice I could give someone who struggles with losing weight is to just stay prepared. Staying prepared on supplements, meals, and workouts will keep you from falling off track. Prior preparation prevents poor performance, the better you’re prepared the less of a chance there is for you to fall into old habits. Once you're prepared everything else will align into place for you, making it that much closer for you to reach that goal.”

Victoria Barley, Fitness Influencer & Athlete (@vickyb_fit)

“Weight loss isn’t just always linear. There are a lot of ups and downs that can come about it and it’s completely normal. When you’re on one of the downslopes it’s best to look at what you’ve been doing to lose weight. First, take a step back, reevaluate, then reset. I would also suggest trying to make little goals that lead to the biggest goal. If not already, the goals should follow the acronym SMART...Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound. Each of these will help break down the goals and help you realize how to achieve them! While also trying to lose weight; make sure you’re having a balance of healthy food, drink lots of water (the best way to drink water and keep hydrated is with BCAAs!) and be active! Everyone has setbacks, but it’s up to the person to see if they can push forward and get up that hill."

Super Charge Your Fat Loss

SuperHD: SuperHD is a dynamic formula with ingredients to help you look and feel your best. Including clinically studied ingredients to support weight loss plus added antioxidants, SuperHD has been the go-to for smooth energy & metabolism support for nearly a decade.

CLK: CLK provides the extra edge for those who want to maximize their weight loss potential and turn great effort into even better results. With a blend of four ingredients to support fat loss, weight management, and appetite control, CLK is the perfect toning and sculpting formula to amplify your weight loss results.

XTEND Ripped: XTEND Ripped features the clinically studied ingredient Capsimax®, which helps support fat burning. In addition, XTEND Ripped is formulated without stimulants, giving you options for your workout routine.

Date May 17, 2022
Category Lifestyle