100% Satisfaction Guarantee
All sales from C4Energy.com are guaranteed to provide RESULTS! We understand that your investment into a C4/Cellucor product is an important financial decision. That is why we extend a 30-day, full money back guarantee when you decide to make that investment. We are so confident you will love the product and see transformative results that we are happy to put our money where our mouth is.
Furthermore, our Care Team is empowered to help you find the right product to fit your goals, and will do everything possible to make sure you have the best experience with C4/Cellucor products. If for any reason you are dissatisfied, please reach out to the Care Team to express any concerns.
866.927.9686 | @c4energy | Support@c4energy.com |
Terms & Conditions
If you purchased product or apparel through C4Energy.com and would like to return it, we do have a few guidelines.
1) Products and Apparel must be received by the Care Team within 30 days after delivery.
2) Apparel must be received by the Care Team unworn, unwashed, with tag and in good condition.
3) Product returns are only accepted if purchased through C4Energy.com. We are unable to process returns, nor provide prepaid return labels for Third Party Retailer purchases.
4) We are unable to send prepaid return labels for satisfaction related return requests.